10 Futuristic Technologies You Need to Know- Ahub360

 Technology has been evolving at an impressive rate over the past few decades, but the future is looking even more exciting thanks to exponential advances in artificial intelligence and quantum computing, among other things. Many of these technologies are still new and emerging, so it may seem like there’s not much you can do to keep up with them now. 

Fortunately, there are plenty of online resources that offer introductions and in-depth coverage of many important emerging technologies, especially on websites focused on artificial intelligence and computer science. Here are 10 futuristic technologies you need to know about.

1) Blockchain

How could technology have helped AI systems like IBM’s Watson be less racist? By making it impossible for computers to learn racism. Blockchain is a digital ledger used primarily for financial transactions and other record keeping purposes. It works by automatically recording data via distributed ledgers, which are encrypted peer-to-peer systems.

 In theory, blockchain would prevent AI from learning racist behaviors because its data would be distributed across multiple machines and could not be edited without being compromised. That might seem theoretical at present, but new applications for blockchain are being developed every day and one of them just might make Watson less likely to say something offensive in mixed company.

 If you want to see what AI looks like right now, look no further than your social media feed: We’re already experiencing an explosion of AI thanks to big tech companies working with predictive analytics tools and machine learning platforms.

 But as we get closer to having artificial intelligence that thinks on its own—the holy grail of AI research—we need ways to keep AI from thinking biased thoughts or forming opinions that encourage harmful behavior. That's where blockchain comes in: Some developers believe that by creating a decentralized system that uses encryption and can't be tampered with or hacked, they can build an online database that ensures bias-free results when we use artificial intelligence software.

2) Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is often described as a field of study that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans. While AI is already all around us—you can thank Siri, Google and Watson for helping you find what you're looking for—the field has come a long way since its inception in 1956. IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer beat chess master Garry Kasparov at his own game in 1997, even though experts had previously predicted computers wouldn't be able to achieve such feats until at least 2050.

 Today, AI researchers are experimenting with various methods for machine learning, including neural networks and genetic algorithms. But how does it actually work? And what does it mean for our future? Read on to learn more about artificial intelligence and how it will shape our world. 1. What Is Artificial Intelligence?

  1. How Does It Work?
  2. What Can It Do?
  3. Why Is It Important?
  4. How Far Away Are We From Replicating Human Intelligence With Machines? 6. What Are Some Applications of AI Today?
  5. Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Humans In The Workplace? 8. Who's Working On It Now? 9. Where Can I Learn More About AI and Machine Learning? 10. Where Can I Find Jobs in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? 11. What Do You Think?

3) Virtual Reality

A virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

 Virtual realities artificially create sensory experience, which can include sight, touch, hearing, and smell. VR has long been used in both industrial and military settings for training purposes; however its potential to immerse students inside an entirely foreign setting will revolutionize education.

 Students across all learning levels will benefit from experiencing new perspectives that enrich their understanding of material. Teachers are able to adjust content to optimize engagement based on individual student needs thanks to various tools including voice control software and remote assistance features.

4) Robots

Imagine being able to create your own robot from scratch that can do just about anything you want. These days, it’s easy and cheap—just a few years ago, a similar robot would have cost millions of dollars and been difficult even for experts to build. 

Though humanoid robots are fun (and somewhat scary), we’re likely going to see an explosion in popularity of other types of robotics, like these _. _ is a technology that allows machines to sense their environment and react accordingly; they’ll be used in everything from cars to medical devices. 

The possibilities here are endless, so get ready! There will also be major advances in __ over the next decade or two. This relatively new field uses machine learning to give computers common sense, which will help them become more human-like than ever before. And with all these amazing technologies coming down the pipeline, we need people who understand how AI works to ensure its positive development. 

Luckily, there are tons of jobs available right now for computer scientists who know how to code! In fact, if you start studying now you could probably land one of those positions within 5-7 years. I’d recommend learning Python first since it’s a great beginner language and has tons of job opportunities out there. 

Once you master Python, move on to something harder like Java or C++. Those languages are popular in academia but still good enough for practical use. Just make sure not to learn something too advanced at first because it might be hard to find a programming job without experience (you might have better luck finding work as a junior programmer).

Overall, I think learning how to program is one of the best investments anyone can make today because software is ubiquitous across almost every industry imaginable. Even if programming isn’t your passion, it’s still worthwhile because no matter what kind of career you choose in life, knowing how software works will make you much more valuable as an employee/partner/etc.

5) 3D Printing

What will happen when we no longer need human drivers? One of our most advanced technologies, autonomous vehicles have been proving themselves on U.S. roads over the past few years. They’re expected to be mainstream by 2020; once they are, they’ll change not only how we get around but also our social structures and day-to-day routines.

A study conducted in 2017 by Nauto estimates that self-driving cars will eliminate 2.2 trillion miles of driving per year in America—the equivalent of 140,000 full-time jobs! The impact of fewer cars and improved road safety will be significant enough for some economists to predict a drop in gas prices from $3 a gallon (as it was in 2017) to $1 or less. But what about insurance? Who pays for damages if an accident is caused by a computer error rather than human error? These questions remain unanswered as self-driving technology continues to develop.

6) Smart Home Devices

The current generation of smart home devices, such as Google Home and Amazon Echo, are typically set up to listen for voice commands. They allow you do things like stream music from your phone or control your thermostat from anywhere in your house. 

The next iteration of these devices will likely be able to learn more about you, recognize faces and voices, and will know when they’re looking at a specific person or pet. These types of devices could also be used to trigger personalized experiences within your home, such as setting up lights that turn on when motion is detected. 

As always, security is an important consideration with any connected device; it’s not hard to imagine how burglars might use similar technology to gain access to a home while its occupants are away. If you’re interested in keeping up with what’s going on in this space, look out for companies working on natural language processing, speech recognition and machine learning. AI assistants may one day become so advanced that we won't even need to tell them what we want—they'll just know.

7) Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to any device that connects, in some way, to another device. For example, a light bulb that can be turned on or off with a smartphone is considered an IoT technology. When connected through IoT technologies and added intelligence, these devices become smart. With all of these smart objects communicating with each other and making decisions on their own (and collecting data), we have entered into what is known as an Internet of Things ecosystem. These smart ecosystems can connect individuals from around the world, who may not otherwise have been able to communicate before. What you’re creating: Will you create a smart product using AI? If so, what does it do? How will it make your life easier? How will people benefit from its existence? Why should they care about it?

8) Cloud Computing
This isn’t just a buzzword anymore. Cloud computing is big business now, and it seems that everyone in tech is talking about it. But what exactly is cloud computing? Simply put, cloud computing is storing data on a remote server (as opposed to your computer). The biggest advantage of using cloud storage rather than traditional storage methods (like an external hard drive) is that you can access your files from anywhere with an Internet connection. It also means that your files are backed up automatically—so if something happens to your computer, you won’t lose any important information. Some popular cloud-storage services include Dropbox and Google Drive. If you have a lot of documents or photos, consider upgrading to one of these paid services for extra space.

9) Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) is a form of virtual reality that overlays digital information and images onto real-world environments. Through augmented reality, users will be able to use their smartphones or other mobile devices as display screens for computers that exist either in remote servers or on private networks. AR will also work with smart glasses, computer-connected eyewear that looks like regular spectacles but superimposes images onto real-world scenes. AR will allow users to engage in video calls with others as if they were in one room together, allowing teachers and students from different locations to engage each other directly from their separate homes, and more. This technology is far off but it's still very exciting!

10) Self-Driving Cars

Google’s self-driving cars have been around for several years now, and once they hit the roads in large numbers, a lot of things are going to change. And not just because we won’t have to drive anymore—it will also affect how we pay for things, how cities are laid out, and even where people choose to live. It will be a huge leap forward in efficiency (and convenience), but there are lots of ethical questions that still need answering. 

To name just a few:

  1.  Do you want your car making life-or-death decisions?
  2.  Do you trust it enough? Is it legal? 
  3. Who is liable if something goes wrong?
  4.  Who should make those decisions? 
  5. When do you want these things on your roadways? 
  6. What about when everyone else has them too? 
  7. What other technologies might these vehicles enable? 
  8. Will it lead to more distracted driving or less distracted driving (since no one will actually be driving)?
  9.  How much do these vehicles cost?
  10.  How much time do they save us each day, and what new problems might that create? 
  11. Are our current traffic laws prepared for all of these changes? 
  12. What happens when a vehicle breaks down on an expressway with no driver behind the wheel to take control again… ?

 These are all interesting questions, but probably not ones most people spend their days thinking about. But as soon as autonomous vehicles become commonplace, then suddenly everyone will start wondering about them!

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